Gifted Education
"Excellence in education is when we do everything that we can to make sure they become everything that they can."
− Carol Ann Tomlinson
Parent involvement in education is how that excellence is achieved. Please review the information on this page regarding gifted education. By better understanding children of the gifted community, we can help them become everything they can!
What is “Gifted?” We accept that gifted is the term we use to describe students who have the ability to “perform or show potential for performing at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared to others of their age, experience, or environment” (Ohio Revised Code 3324.01) and who are identified under division (A), (B), (C), or (D) of section 3324.03 of Ohio Revised Code.
Identification of gifted students in Ohio. School districts are required to identify students who are eligible. Students will be tested in 1st grade and 5th grade or upon teacher, parent, self-referral, peer referral, or other community member recommendation.
Area of Giftedness | Definition |
Superior Cognitive | This ability is not subject specific. This refers to overall intelligence, not intelligence in one specific area. |
Creative Thinking |
This ability is not subject specific. This is the ability to generate new ideas/ways to solve problems.
Specific Academic Ability
According to Ohio Department of Education: “A student shall be identified as exhibiting "specific academic ability" superior to that of students of similar age in a specific academic ability field, if, within the preceding twenty four months the student performed at or above the ninety-fifth percentile at the national level on an approved individual or group standardized achievement test of specific academic ability in that field.” This is true for the math, reading/ELA, Social Studies, and Science.
No gifted child is going to have all of these traits, however, these traits can be attributed to your child's giftedness.
Superior Cognitive | Creative Thinker | Social-Emotional | Behavioral |
Likes to solve problems and actually apply concepts
Early reader/reads large quantities
Expansive vocabulary
Intellectual curiosity
Critical thinker
Skeptical of things
Goal oriented
Likes to work independently
Interested in many things
Sense of humor
Flexible (works around problems)
Independence in attitude and social behavior
Does not try to fit in, accepts themselves
Sees things through
Emotional depth and intensity, might be considered sensitive
Empathetic to others
High expectations for self, as well as others
Very aware of themselves, as well as their feelings of being different
Easily wounded, needs emotional support
Needs to consistently have and apply their own method for decision making with their personal actions
Has an advance level of moral judgment
Strong sense of judgment and justice
Highly enthusiastic
Hyper focused on their interests
Very energetic, does not need a lot of down time or sleep
Asks a lot of questions/is very curious
Very persistent in areas of interest
Gets very frustrated, and places a lot of pressure on self and others
Can have quite a temper, specially when they think they might be failing

Ms. Kristin Cutlip
PVSD Gifted Intervention Specialist